Syllabus Organization Applet

Created by Travis Moore, 2018
Add Topic: Add a single topic to the list at a time. Useful while building your course.

Clear Dates: Removes all dates from the "Dates" column AND removes the dates from browser memory (i.e., if you navigate away from the page, the dates will not reappear).

Drag and drop: To reorder your list of topics, simply left-click and hold over the list item and drag it to a new location - the same as dragging a folder across your desktop. The list will automatically reorder itself around the item's new position, and the dates will remain static. Click the red "x" to delete an individual item. Drag and drop functionality is from the Sortable JavaScript library.

Instructions: Show/hide these instructions.

Load Date List: Quickly load multiple dates at once. Dates can be in any format, except comma delimited. List dates, weeks etc. separated by commas (e.g. 4/5,4/6,4/7,4/8).

Load Topic List: Quickly load multiple topics at once. Useful when loading in a previous list. Topics can include any characters (including spaces) except commas. Separate each topic with a comma (e.g., course introduction,ice breaker,syllabus).

Save: This button accomplishes two tasks:
(1) store current list values, both dates and topics, in browser memory. This allows you to close the window or navigate away from the page and your lists will persist when you return to the page. Note you must click "Save" even after deleting topics if you want the browser to remember that you deleted something. Useful if you need to restart your browser or computer, or if you wish you work on your syllabus over several days.
(2) print date and topic lists in their respective text boxes. This allows you to copy/paste values into a document. Use these saved lists with the "Load Date List" and "Load Topic List" buttons to recreate old syllabi quickly.

What do I do with the date and topic lists? Paste a list into a cell using Microsoft Excel (or other spreadsheet software). Select the cell, then open the "Data" tab. Click "Text to columns" and the Text Wizard will open. Make sure "Delimited" is selected, then click "Next." Now choose "Comma" and uncheck anything else (e.g., "Tab"). Click "Finish" and the list values are separated into individual cells. Select all the values and right-click in an empty cell. Select "Paste Special...", select "Transpose," then click "OK." The values are now in a format ready to be formatted in Excel, transferred to Word, or any other software.